

Closely-Held Family Businesses


As a physician, you have dedicated your time to patients to heal, families to comfort, and questions to answer. We provide recommendations to professionals like you, physicians committed to caring for others, but with little time to take care of their own financial health.

Magbitang Financial assists physicians in all stages of their financial strategy, from those just starting out in their medical profession and implementing new protection and accumulation strategies, to the well-established physician wanting to grow and maximize the value of their assets for themselves and their families. We provide medical professionals with information on various strategies to build, protect and preserve the wealth that comes with a hard earned and rewarding medical career. As a client of Magbitang Financial, we help you to develop and design a strategy unique to your individual and business goals.

In addition, Magbitang Financial is able to help you execute your financial strategy by providing the insurance and financial products that meet your needs.